Radon Testing: How to Do It Safely

Are you concerned about radon levels on your property? You are right to be on high alert because high levels of radon can potentially harm your health or delay a property sale. The only way to find out if you have a radon problem on your hands is through proper testing. 

Why is Radon Gas Dangerous?

Radon is all around us. But it’s colorless, odorless, and invisible which means it’s undetectable to the naked eye. Radon comes naturally from the breakdown of rocks and soil. In the outdoors, it is generally not a problem as it quickly dilutes to low concentrations. 

However, when the radon gas escapes from the soil and enters your home through the cracks in the foundation or electrical and plumbing lines, and accumulates in your indoor air, it poses a high risk to your health.

Prolonged exposure to high radon levels increases your risk of lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoke and it’s estimated to be responsible for over 21,000 lung cancer deaths in America every year.

Every home is prone to radon. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 1 in every 15 homes has high radon levels. It can accumulate in any type of home whether old or new, and with or without a basement. Since the levels vary from location to location two neighboring homes can have different radon levels. 

That’s why it’s critical to test for radon.  

There are two ways you can test for radon. You can do it yourself or hire a professional but the degree of safety varies widely.

DIY Radon Testing

You can purchase a test kit from your local hardware store and use it to determine if there is a radon problem in your property. Placing the test kit on the lowest floor of your home such as the basement or the ground floor for the specified time is the best way to get an accurate reading. Remember to keep the doors and windows closed and off the fans and air conditioners for 12 hours before testing. 

However, closing the door and windows as you place the test exposes you to even higher levels of radon making it less than ideal for your long-term health. And with so many steps to follow, it’s easy to skew the test and prolong the mitigation process (where necessary) further exposing you and your loved ones to the harmful gas.

That’s why we highly recommend professional radon testing.

Professional Radon Testing

Engaging a professional is the safest way to test for radon on your property. Radon experts have the training and cutting-edge equipment to conduct the test without compromising your health and safety. Certified professionals use reliable testing instruments like the EPA-calibrated Continuous Radon Monitor (CRM) devices to give you prompt and accurate results. A radon expert not only takes the hassle away but also prioritizes your safety at all times.

Contact TRS for Quality Radon Testing Services

For radon testing services you can trust, call Teton Radon Services. We have over 20 years of experience in providing timely and accurate radon testing services for homes, rentals, and commercial properties. Contact us for a free consultation.

Symptoms of Radon Exposure

Radon is all around us. We breathe it every day. However, since it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, you cannot tell when you are breathing it at high levels. While it hardly poses any danger outdoors, exposure to high indoor radon levels can cause serious health problems. 

How Do You Get Exposed to Radon?

The primary source of radon exposure is inhalation. Once formed from the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil and rocks, the gas comes up through the ground and penetrates indoor spaces through cracks in walls and floors and gaps around service pipes and electrical wires. Over time, radon is trapped in the indoor air and it becomes part of the air you breathe in.

Radon can be present in homes, schools, and workplaces. That said, the rooms closest to the ground including basements, crawl spaces, and ground floor spaces have the highest radon levels.

Symptoms of Radon Exposure 

Recent research has shown that the majority of us spend about 90% of our lives indoors which makes radon a serious threat to human health. 

When a person is exposed to elevated levels of radon, the radioactive physical particles that result from the decay of radon gas can cause damage to the DNA in the lining of the lungs, which could lead to lung cancer.  Lung cancer has a very high mortality rate (75%) so it is important to test your home and reduce the exposure you or family members may have to radon gas.

The primary adverse effect of exposure to high levels of radon is lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and it’s only second to smoking. More than 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States are traced back to radon exposure. Research has shown that smokers have a 25 times greater risk of lung cancer when exposed to prolonged and elevated radon levels.

The lung cancer symptoms are subtle and may only appear when you are close to or already have cancer.

Here are some of the early lung cancer symptoms to look out for:

  • Persistent cough
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing up blood
  • Hoarseness
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent infectious like bronchitis and pneumonia

What To Do if You Notice Radon Poisoning Symptoms

If you notice any potential symptoms of radon exposure, immediately do the following:

1. Visit a Doctor

There are no medical tests to check how much radon you’ve been exposed to, but your healthcare provider can conduct tests and put you on the right treatment. 

2. Test Your Home 

Testing is the only way to determine how much radon is in your home. Schedule a professional radon test for the most accurate results. 

3. Install a Radon Mitigation System

The EPA recommends installing a radon mitigation system if your radon levels are above 4pCil/L or higher. The goal is to minimize the levels as much as possible because no level of radon exposure is considered safe.

Reduce Radon Gas With Teton Radon Services

For high-quality residential and commercial radon testing solutions, call Teton Radon Services. With 15 years of experience and state-of-the-art technology, we can help you test radon levels on your property in 48 hours and offer guidance on the best mitigation system for you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Radon and Children: Everything You Need to Know

Radon is a naturally occurring gas formed during the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil, rocks, and water. Since it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, you may not grasp its gradual but drastic effects on your children’s health. 

Yet, this radioactive indoor air pollutant is the second leading cause of cancer and is responsible for 21,000 deaths a year. 

To ensure your children grow in a safe environment and go on to become healthy adults, read on to find out everything you need to know about radon.

Where Are Children Exposed to Radon?  

Radon gas is prevalent in buildings with fewer storeys including homes, child care centers, and schools. These are all areas where children spend a majority of their lives.

Radon at Homes 

1 in every 15 homes has higher radon levels than the EPA recommended action levels of 4pCi/L. And any home can have high levels of radon, whether new or old. The spaces close to the ground typically have the highest radon levels, including the living room where children spend most of their day. 

Radon in Schools

The EPA estimates that 1 in every 5 schools has one school room with elevated radon levels and over 70,000 schoolrooms in use today have high short term radon levels. 

Radon in Child Care Centers

Child care centers are generally located on the lower floors of a building because they are much safer and easily accessible for children. However, this also means they are more prone to accumulating radon.

How Can You Protect Your Children From Radon?

  • Test your home. If the levels are higher than 4pCi/L, hire a radon professional to install a mitigation system
  • Move your children’s playrooms and bedrooms out of the basement
  • Encourage your neighbors to test their radon levels  
  • Request your child’s school or child care center to test for radon
  • Educate your child about radon

Contact TRS for Professional Radon Testing Services 

For radon testing services you can trust, turn to Teton Radon Services. We are certified radon experts with the latest knowledge and experience that can guarantee your children’s safety. Contact us today for a free consultation. 

7 Radon Myths Debunked

Did you know that exposure to radon gas causes over 21,000 deaths annually? The only thing more dangerous is smoking!

Radon is a radioactive gas that humans can’t smell, taste or see. For this reason, it is essential that your home is regularly tested. Just because you aren’t aware of its presence doesn’t mean you are in the clear. In the following article, we will take a look at the most common myths about this dangerous domestic problem.

Here is what the EPA has to say about the common radon myths and what the real threat it poses to your life and home.

MYTH 1: Scientists are not sure that radon really is a problem.

While no one is quite sure how many deaths are caused by radon exposure each year, the Center of Disease Control, American Medical Association and American Lung Association all say the exact same thing: Radon causes many preventable deaths from lung cancer each year. For smokers, the risk is much higher.

MYTH 2: Radon testing is difficult, time-consuming and expensive

It is actually very easy to perform these tests. This can either be done by a qualified radon testing company or by the homeowners themselves. Either way the test is easy to perform and not very costly or time-consuming.

MYTH 3: Homes with radon problems can’t be fixed.

Actually, there are many situations to this potentially serious problem. Problems with radon can be addressed just like any other home repair. But you will probably want to get the advice from professional radon mitigation contractors before you begin.

MYTH 4: Only Certain Kinds of Homes are at Risk for Radon Contamination

Radon issues can occur in all types of homes. New homes, old homes, insulated homes and drafty homes. The main conditions that determine a threat to the home include construction materials as well as the local geology, along with a few others.

MYTH 5: Radon is only a problem in some parts of the country

While radon issue is more serious in some areas, high levels of radon have been found in all parts of the country. The only way to determine the threat level in your home is with proper testing.

MYTH 6: The Neighbor’s test can be an indication of your property’s threat levels.

Radon levels vary greatly from location to location. The only way to rule out this problem in your home is through proper testing.

MYTH 7: Everyone should test their water for radon

It is true that radon can get into the home through the water supply. But it will be far more important to check the levels of radon in the air. If your water supply comes from groundwater sources, it will be important to call the water company supplying your home’s water.

What Teton Radon Services can do for you

Now that you have been educated by these 7 radon myths debunked, it is time to take action. At Teton Radon Services we have over 15 years of experience providing superior radon testing services here in Idaho Falls. We have the skills to identify the issue and perform the proper actions to reduce the threat. Testing is quick and easy and we offer both Charcoal and Continuous Radon Monitors (CRM) to protect your home and loved ones from this potential problem.

If you are a homeowner in Wyoming, Montana or Central and Eastern/Southeastern Idaho, call (208) 520-8048 to arrange a consultation with our experienced radon professionals.

Radon Levels – What Do They Mean?

Radon gas is a noble gas that is odorless and invisible to the naked eye. When present in open places, it is not a risk. However, if there is an accumulation in homes or schools, it poses a huge health risk. Prolonged exposure to the gas can cause lung cancer. It has no smell and is tasteless so testing by professionals is the only way to detect it in the home. The process will ensure that if the gas is in your home it is mitigated to prevent health risks for you and your family.

How Does Radon Gas Enter A Home Or Building?

Radon is formed from the decay of Uranium, and this is an element found in almost all soils. When the soil underneath the foundation decays and produces the gas, it passes through the cracks in the foundation or other parts of the home and slowly accumulates inside the building. Note that radon gas can accumulate in any home whether old or new. Even a home without a basement can have dangerous levels of radon.

The Different Levels Of Radon And What They Mean For Your Home’s Safety

The State Health Department recommends mitigation in homes for radon that has tested levels of over 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter of air). It is almost impossible to have zero levels of radon in the home because of the soil underneath the house and the fact that it is a naturally occurring gas.

Testing Radon Levels

Radon gas level is about 0.135-0.405 pCi/L globally when tested outdoors. For every 2.7 pCi/L, there is an increase in the chances of acquiring lung cancer. It is important to monitor the levels of radon in any home, but more so in homes that have previously had high radon levels.

The lowest level of radon in the home that would not pose a great risk of lung cancer is 100 Bq/m3, or 2.7 pCi/L according to the World Health Organization. When this limit is surpassed, mitigation and remediation are necessary. The US EPA recommends that the lowest levels be 4 pCi/L.

High Radon Levels

If the level of radon in your home is measured and is at 4 pCi/L for a month or more than four weeks, professional radon mitigation and remediation company should be contacted to take measures and bring the levels down. If you have levels of 2.7 pCi/L, it means that your home is safe. If the levels are between 2.7 pCi/L and 4 pCi/L and remain this way for about three or four months, you should call a professional for mitigation purposes.

Whether you are moving into a new home or have been living in your home for a while, you should get the place tested for radon gas and be certain that you do not have dangerous levels of radon gas.

Contact Teton Radon Services in Idaho Falls, ID, to carry out the tests for you. We have plenty of experience with over 15 years of carrying out radon tests and mitigation. We have both Charcoal testing and CRM.

Call us today at (208)520-8048 to get our expert radon testing and mitigation services.